Maximum City Bombay, Lost and Found is a masala book, Suketu Mehta has tried his best to draw an enigmatic picture of the city. I like Bombay but not for the same reasons Suketu might like it. I haven't met any goons, dons, dance bar girls, shiv sena supremo, rioters and I surely don't have religiously jain friends, the ones I know might sometimes refuse to take a cake (with egg) after 12 in night but after some time you can find them having breezer (you know who I am talking about). The jain religion also makes sure that the friend does not eat chicken with bone, boneless is welcome if it is not served to his plate :-)
The book goes into describing some jain ceremony which is NOWHERE related to Bombay, if the author wanted to describe similarity between people throwing money at dance bars and while taking Diksha, he should have chosen a different theme for the whole book. Taking as much as 1/4th of the book for describing a jain diksha ??
I utilized the weekend in reading another book, The Da Vinci Code. I have always felt that I don't know any greek/roman mythology and my knowledge of christian and jewish religion is also very limited, specially the history. I felt it when reading Act of Faith by Erich Segal. The book starts beatifully and grips attention for nearly the whole book. The last part though could be improved. It was disappointing.. That happens to many books and movies nowadays.. A good story is built up and a good amount of twist and turns make it better but suddenly author realizes that he/she needs to complete the story and simply gives up in the end.
Currently I am reading Sphere by Chricton (is the spelling correct?).
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