Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Flights in India, Engineers in Administration

Fuel surcharge prices in Indian Airline industry have been touching new heights. After promising the common man the skies the airlines have gone back on their words and we can't put the whole blame on them.

Just like everywhere else Indian airports have long queues of passengers. On top of that there is a queue of airplanes when you want to land. In my last 3-4 journeys the plane had to hover for more than half an hour before it was permitted to land. All this because of air traffic congestion.

Why do we see 'bad planning' from our learned administrators and experienced (though literacy not guaranteed) policy makers? I would say that we need more engineers in administration and politics. This is in face of all those people who 'crib' when IITans get into administrative or foreign services.

I will be giving a skip to the airport and would be taking a train for my next journey after a period of nearly 4-5 years. I hope the Indian Railways as improved a little in this interval.

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