Thursday, February 25, 2010

Travel Guru - TravelGuru - Cheaters

Exactly, that claims to be India's largest network of hotels are actually scammers and will cheat you without thinking about it even once.

Their sales representatives will promise you something else altogether on phone, in emails and even in your PDF itinerary, but if you were planning to go to point A, don't be surprised to land up in point B. When you call them to ask what's going on, they will promptly reply that their package was actually from point B and not from point A, there was a 'spelling mistake' in the PDF itinerary they had sent (and of course they will refuse to accept that they ever mentioned point A).

I am still surprised how can someone make a spelling mistake and spell Alleppey/Alappuzha as Kumarakom. It takes a genius to make that mistake.

Don't ever book a package with TravelGuru, be sure that your vacation will be spoiled.

If you need proofs of what I am saying, email me. I will send you their 'original itinerary' and the one they sent 'after' my Kumarakom stay was over. They never apologized for the mistake (even for the spelling mistake) and have the guts to call me repeated to take feedback about the hotel I stayed in.

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Blogger Rahul Tyagi said...

is there a better business bureau analog in india? or is it just too much hassle?

2:46 PM  
Blogger Jeet said...

There is some consumer court. But they don't give any punitive damages for mental harassment, mostly they stick to "monetary" losses.

And yes, to a normal person whose livelihood depends on him/her working everyday, I guess any type of court is a BIG waste of time.

2:49 PM  

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